Hi, my name is Mike Simons, I was born in Amarillo Texas, I am 57 years old, I was raised in a good household by loving parents who always provided everything me and my two sisters needed, but in spite of a good upbringing I chose to be a very rebellious person which would lead me down a dark path.
Being rebellious, I was always drawn to the wrong crowd and therefore smoked pot for the first time at eight years old, I then experienced my first blackout drunk at age thirteen and would try methamphetamine for the first time at age seventeen at which time I was well on my way to being a full-blown alcoholic and drug addict.
I got married when I was seventeen and divorced when I was twenty due to my drug and alcohol use, I had a son from that marriage who I would never be there for because I chose alcohol and drugs over him.
My addiction would take me to prison five different times, another failed marriage, and finally lead me to a place I said I would never go, intravenous drug use and homelessness, by this time I was overcome with shame, guilt and hopelessness.
I remember before going to prison the last time hearing the prosecuting attorney say to the judge, your honor, this man is hopeless, he has been doing the same thing for so long that he will never change, we have given him multiple opportunities and in the last twenty-five years he has never given us a clean drug test, there is no reason we should give him probation, just send him to prison, so that’s what the judge did.
I went to prison for the last time at age fifty completely broken and unaware that God was doing a mighty work in my life, God had brought me to a place of brokenness, He allowed me to exhaust every idea I could to fix my own life and a I failed miserably, it was at this point that I cried out in a prison chapel for God to save me! And He did! I completely surrendered my life to Jesus Christ that day and things have never been the same since.
I have been free from drugs and alcohol since Nov. 5 th , 2016. I got out of prison May 2 nd , 2018, and came to Freeway Ministries where I completed the one-year discipleship program in Marshfield, Mo.
I completed the Timothy project at the Freeway World Headquarters, and was asked to come on staff at Freeway where I became overseer of the discipleship program in Marshfield and head of the second step program. I was then asked to be the Director for Freeway in Marshfield where I now get to preach God’s Word every Saturday night.
I got married to a beautiful women I met in the church whom I have now went on multiple mission trips across the U.S and twice to Africa. A door was opened for me to go to college where I recently received an associate’s degree in biblical studies and have plans to continue on to get my bachelor’s degree.
I am a member of Crossbridge Baptist Church where I have been discipled and get to disciple other men, not only am I a member of the church but they voted me in as a deacon and the eventually as an elder of the church. I love my life today and am so fortunate to be in full-time ministry.
To anyone who has been deemed hopeless, please know that with Christ all things are possible, the trials you are going through are meant to lead you to a relationship with Jesus where you can have joy in your heart! Surrendering your life to Christ is the best decision you will ever make.